Modernization Problems.

This is what I call “Tuesday.”

Things have been busy!  Which is why if you are an e-mail subscriber, this said “Detailed post incoming.”  I just barely got the post under the wire for Wednesday on the calendar.

Why so busy?  In part because our campus is undergoing “modernization.”  Construction men are everywhere, grinding happens constantly, the parking lot is often overtaken with powered machines of great size.  Apparently, the next building to be “modernized” will be the one that I teach in, and as a result, I need to be evicted.

I knew this, and asked about it weeks ago.  I was told that I was mistaken.

Yesterday, however, a Minion of the Edu-Lords was dispatched to give me the inconvenient news.  Expecting to move at some point, I had never really unpacked, so really the process has been more of a purging of things, and a double checking that I have actually gotten everything boxed up to move.  It’s still time consuming, and a process that I’m really working to do gradually, instead of in a stressful rush.

I’ll be moving to a comparably large classroom situated right next to one of the teachers that I work well with, so that’s a good thing.  Trying to stay relatively positive about the whole thing, like Cap and Urza in Panel Two.  The reality though, is that I have serious concerns, like Pirate Time Pony does.

Weirdly, the strip came together kind of quickly, despite the complexity here.

Hope you liked it.  The school year nears its end, and with it….hopefully the end of “Distance Learning.”

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