Short Help Is Better Than No Help.

Cap is trying to make new friends here…

One day into “Forgotten Realms” on the Magic: Arena platform, and I am back to my usual beginning status for a season, after around twenty consecutive wins.  That makes me sound like a stupendous Magic player, and that is wildly inaccurate.

I hadn’t been playing since I went back to school to do Zoom Meetings from there.  That means that I had all of the rewards from the prior season of competition waiting for me, but more interestingly, I had been dropped down to the starting level of Ranked play.  That meant that I was dealing primarily with people that had just netdecked (looked up online) what they thought were the best decks…and I was only bringing just around 28 years of play to the table.

That means that I don’t care at all about “the best decks” according to the internet, but have a kind of relentless experience in play.  It doesn’t get me to the top tier, but allows me to cut through the beginning of a tournament season like a hot knife through butter.

My deck is NOT one of the best decks in the format.  I just REALLY know how to play it.

With that said, the game just introduced “halflings” as a creature type, the sort of off brand Hobbits of Dungeons and Dragons.  There aren’t too many of them in the game, but I really want to build around them.  I just love the idea of a mess of angry hobbits/halflings.

I’ll be trying to figure out how to make that work, at least in the “Limited” environment, which will be only the Dungeons and Dragons cards.  They might be the most effective there, I’m not sure.

Today’s sketch is about trying to figure out how to do that, obviously.  It pays a direct homage to a piece of artwork in the Dungeons and Dungeons Expert Set, in 1981, which I always likes a whole lot.  Jeff Dee was a fantastic artist in the time period, who did several genre defining pieces for the game.  I especially liked this one, because that halfling dude looks beyond confident in his ability to kick some @#$es, while still remaining kind of adorable.

I did get a cold draw of the halfling planeswalker in my winnings from the last season, so it is very likely I’ll be putting that build together.  So…yay?  Yay.



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