A Brief Rest For The Team…

This is true. Tomorrow, I need to get some things done.

One of those things is getting a Smog Check for the Fiat.  That’s not a Giant Deal like it is with my beloved Mercedes, but I still have to track down a decent testing center near me.  The one that I used to go to is gone, and in all honesty, that guy was pretty mean.

It seems like there are several very close to me, so it shouldn’t be a Big Deal at all.  I’m planning on taking a decent drive to warm it up, which is always a good idea, and then doing the test.  They are only around 40 bucks, but the experience with the Mercedes, and the chore it is getting her to pass the test every time I have to do it, has me kind of gun shy.

Again…not any kind of crisis.  The kind of normal thing that normal people have to do.

Which is kind of nice, really.

Cap’s buddy Rootha is pretty beaten up from the school year, which is pretty much how I feel.  Having a day or two to just…do mostly nothing is a Good Thing.

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